Most of our studies and communications are done online these days. Okcredit a technology firm which they help small merchandise digitize their bookkeeping was able to raise $67 million recently. They are based in Bangalore as a startup and are helping the consumer perspective in tracking their purchase and sales.

What they are providing is being able to see what is the new release and what needs to be done to restock their shelves with. OKcredit is making a huge wave for small business stores to keep their stocks more updated rather having books from 1984 George Orwell for more than few months or a year available. This is making their progress easier.

With that said, not every place has access to Amazon delivery and small bookstores are able to make a difference in bringing merchandise for people that will be popular. With that said, this time the technology firm is allowing the small owners to keep their businesses and renovate their business strategy.

What this is providing is allowing consumers to choose what content they want to learn and what they want from them. With this value is being added to bookstores to have their sales better and keep their business thriving this time. The best part is that the businesses are able to keep track of how many books per day they have sold and how to budget themselves for low traffic seasons.

One of the best thing that now they can do is to partner with local authors and writers to have their content available on their website as well for preview or for whole thing for a cost. This will keep their business running in different format for more luxury affordable people with access to computers and tablets. With that said, the bookstores want to keep their original and current customers and gain more market share as well.

The books are available for PDF or other versions for a small cost but having to go through a safer way not to be caught by authors is the better way to keep their materials available in their hand. Authors and writers could publish their books online and keep the content spreading and be careful with pirated versions. However, once your book is available online you can only hope for the best others don’t have to be cheap about it. These contents now are being able to refreshen up with OKcredit to show that they have other materials available for people.

This startup makes bookstore database easier to keep track what they can provide for their consumer perspective. Now we can do is to keep selling the books and other content for cost effective and marginalize their sales. The days of reading old content is long gone and now people are thriving by with new materials being published.

This is a progress for both technology and business perspective that they won’t be out of business in short time. Rather they will be using the database server to see which books are better for sale now such as Harry Potter or the new Lord of The Rings book. As we have new content available so does the consumers want new content to learn from rather being outdated. This is a positive sign that technology firms are looking to maintain businesses for small owners now.

New technology startups are basing their vision on keeping the old businesses and improving their perspective. What this is really makes a difference in employment rate and value of traditional methods to keep them stored rather than move on to new generation aspect. OKcredit gets a positive feedback from general consensus and looks better if they expand to North America and Europe as well.

Published by kia723

I am a masters student in Public Relations with interests in chess, sports, and food. I will discuss technology topics that will be useful to consider how to tackle them for your daily life and corporation along with communities.

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